Monday, March 9, 2009

Logan's home sick

Well, Logan survived his first week of daycare... sort of.
He's home today, sick for the very first time in his life. He was very congested last night and threw up on Mommy two times. Brad is staying at home with him. First we were wondering if he was teething because he's been drooling A LOT and has been wanting to suck on fingers, teething rings, etc. Now we're wondering if it might be his ears. Either way, we'll get through this. And as we keep hearing, he's building up his immunities for when he starts kindergarten... yikes!
Meanwhile, Logan's daycare teacher says he's been enjoying himself. She takes the whole class of five infants outside in a buggy on warm days. And seeing how it's already 80 degrees here, that should be every day. She said Logan is very alert and that he looks around at everything outside. And, she said she thinks Logan is starting to recognize his name.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Here are some of the portraits we had made last weekend to celebrate Logan at three months. He was quite a ham in front of the photographer. He smiled most of the time and seemed to enjoy being the center of attention.

We are finally entering the blogosphere in an attempt to keep family and friends updated on our lives, which center on our new pride and joy - Logan Bradley Philips.

Logan was born on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2008. He is growing every day. Right now, he is very talkative. He loves to lay on his changing table or in your arms and talk up a storm. His favorite words are: ooo and a-goo. It's so precious. He also loves laying on his activity mats and swatting at the stuffed animals and other toys above him. I think he's figuring out how to get the music going by bumping and/or pulling the various animals. He just recently started grabbing at Mommy's hair and even a couple of times her necklace. He likes to be read to. His favorite book seems to be "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" (It has good pictures that he looks at). And he LOVES to be sang to and talked to. He also enjoys his evening bath.

Logan is sleeping through the night now (about 9 1/2 hours), which is a blessing. He now attends day care. It was hard for Mommy to drop him off for the first time Monday, but it's getting a little easier each day as she gets back into the groove of work. They seem to be taking good care of him at day care. Logan sent Mommy flowers on Tuesday, along with a note assuring her that he's doing fine at day care. Guess we better guard the credit card!